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Recipe: Open-faced Estonian dark rye sandwich

Buckhead Reporter 3/12 2:00A Beth McKibben
Courtesy of Erik Meadows/EstoEtno Fine Bakery. This week, Tiina D’Souza of EstoEtno Fine Bakery shared her recipe for a warm open-faced Estonian dark rye bread (black bread) sandwich topped with...

Meet Your Bartender: Matt Watkins of The Deer & The Dove

Buckhead Reporter 3/11 3:55A Beth McKibben
Bar manager of The Deer and the Dove in Decatur, Matt Watkins. (Courtesy of Andre Blanchard) This interview first appeared in our March 4 Tuesday evening dining newsletter, Family Meal , and was...

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Must-Do South: Memphis, Tennessee

Atlanta Magazine 3/12 6:53A Tony Rehagen
Beale Street Photograph by Getty Images Memphis, the unofficial capital city of the Mississippi Delta, is widely renowned for two things: blues and barbecue. The two Memphis institutions are tightly...

Must-Do South: Montgomery, Alabama

Atlanta Magazine 3/12 6:52A Joe Reisigl
Raise Up by Hank Willis Thomas Photograph by Robert Rausch/The New York Times/Redux As a destination, Montgomery is a journey in contrasts. The Alabama capital is both a proud epicenter of the...

Must-Do South: New Orleans, Louisiana

Atlanta Magazine 3/12 6:52A Tony Rehagen
Bourbon Street Photograph by Getty Images Five years ago, New Orleans was turned upside down by Covid. Last year, however, confirmed a postpandemic renaissance and a tourism boom—a return for New...

Must-Do South: Asheville, North Carolina

Atlanta Magazine 3/12 6:52A Joe Reisigl
John Rock Photograph by ExploreAsheville.com When Hurricane Helene carved a path across the Southeast last September, it left what may be its deepest marks in western North Carolina. Here, tourism is...

Must-Do South: The Kentucky Bourbon Trail

Atlanta Magazine 3/12 6:52A Tony Rehagen
James B. Beam Distilling Co. Photograph by Kentucky Distillers’ Association Bourbon is an American institution. Distilled by farmers primarily from domestic corn (at least 51 percent by law) and aged...

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Atlanta United ready for Inter Miami’s visit on Sunday night

Sports - The Atlanta Voice 3/12 7:40A Donnell Suggs
Atlanta United right back Brooks Lennon (above) has been back on the training pitch for weeks, but will be looking to play his first match of the season on Sunday. Photo by Donnell Suggs/The Atlanta...

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